CVE-2022-22965 / 22963 vulnerability impact on Mibex apps

For affected Atlassian apps and products, please see the

None of our apps are affected by CVE-2022-22965 or CVE-2022-22963.

App name

Confirmed 2022-22965 / 22963 safe ✅

App name

Confirmed 2022-22965 / 22963 safe ✅

Include Code Quality for Bitbucket (formerly Sonarâ„¢ for Bitbucket)


Include Code Quality for Bamboo (formerly Sonarâ„¢ for Bamboo)


Include Bitbucket for Confluence


Jupyter Viewer for Confluence


Repository Templates for Bitbucket


Activity Streams for Bitbucket


Code Review Assistant for Bitbucket


Code Owners for Bitbucket


Pull Request Checklist Buddy for Bitbucket


Pull Request Please for Bitbucket


Beautiful Math for Confluence


Create Branch Wizard for Bitbucket


Repository Dashboard for Bitbucket


Plan DSL for Bamboo


Pull Request Analytics for Bitbucket


One-to-One Analytics for Confluence


ShipIt to Marketplace for Bamboo


No More Secrets for Jira


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