Getting started
Steps necessary to get Include Code Quality for Bamboo up and running.
When using it together with Include Code Quality for Bitbucket, also check the Include Code Quality for Bitbucket getting started guide.
SonarQube™ scanners need access to the full git repository. If you encounter issues, e.g. in a containerized build, ensure that you
uncheck "Use shallow clones" option (Fetches the shallowest commit history possible. Do not use if your build depends on full repository history)
check "Fetch whole repository" option (Fetches whole repository instead of only one branch)
1. | Latest Include Code Quality for Bamboo supports SonarQube™:
| |
2. | Install Include Code Quality for Bamboo app on your Bamboo server | |
3. | Setup the SonarQube™ server configuration ( | |
4. | Add a task to your build plan
If you want to run your analysis in Docker, follow the Sonar™Scanner Docker instructions.
| |
5. | Select SonarQube™ server configuration
| |
| SonarQube™ Community Edition | SonarQube™ Developer Edition or higher, SonarCloud™ |
6. | The SonarQube™ Community Edition does not know about branches and pull requests. A separate SonarQube™ project for each branch is used to show SonarQube™ information for pull requests and branches. Include Code Quality for Bamboo uses Sonar™ project keys in the format Include Code Quality for Bamboo replaces characters in the A dash
You can disable the automatic SonarQube™ project creation by selecting “Disable … per branch creation”. Every time the task runs, the analysis result will add analysis to the same SonarQube™ project.
2. Use Branch Analysis if you are not using pull requests.
3. If you migrated SonarQube™ from Community to Developer Edition or higher, you can keep the “project per branch” style by checking the “Create … Project per Branch” option. |
7. | Trigger a new build of your build plan and you should see the SonarQube™ Quality gate status on the build results page: To break the build when the Sonar Quality™ Gates are failing, enable the option | |
8. (optional) | If your project takes too long to analyze for short-living branches like feature branches, consider using incremental mode to only analyze the changed/new files in your pull requests instead of the complete project: | |
9. | Congratulation, you finished the Include Code Quality for Bamboo setup. |
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