Bamboo Specs Support
Include Code Quality for Bamboo can be used together with Bamboo specs to use Configuration as Code for your plans.
Java Specs
Using Sonar for Bamboo tasks with Java Specs is supported by the Specs own AnyTask
To see the Java Specs for one of the tasks:
go to your plan configuration in Bamboo
click “View plan as Java Specs”:
Within the generated Java Specs, your tasks will look similar to this example for a Sonar™ Scanner task:
new AnyTask(
new AtlassianModule("ch.mibex.bamboo.sonar4bamboo:sonar4bamboo.sonarscannertask"))
new MapBuilder()
.put("chosenSonarConfigId", "1")
.put("sonarMainBranch", "master")
// many more task fields
YAML Specs
If you prefer YAML, you can also use the Include Code Quality for Bamboo tasks with YAML.
To see the YAML for one of the tasks:
go to your plan configuration in Bamboo
click “View plan as YAML”:
Within the generated YAML, the tasks will look similar to this example for a Sonar™ Scanner task:
- any-task:
plugin-key: ch.mibex.bamboo.sonar4bamboo:sonar4bamboo.sonarscannertask
chosenSonarConfigId: '1'
sonarMainBranch: master
Task Reference
Task keys for the provided tasks:
Task name | Task key |
Sonar™ Maven 3 task | ch.mibex.bamboo.sonar4bamboo:sonar4bamboo.maven3task |
Sonar™Scanner task | ch.mibex.bamboo.sonar4bamboo:sonar4bamboo.sonarscannertask |
Sonar™ Gradle task | ch.mibex.bamboo.sonar4bamboo:sonar4bamboo.gradletask |
Sonar™ MSBuild begin task | ch.mibex.bamboo.sonar4bamboo:sonar4bamboo.msbuildbegintask |
Sonar™ MSBuild end task | ch.mibex.bamboo.sonar4bamboo:sonar4bamboo.msbuildendtask |
Sonar™ .NET Core begin task | ch.mibex.bamboo.sonar4bamboo:sonar4bamboo.dotnetbegintask |
Sonar™ .NET Core end task | ch.mibex.bamboo.sonar4bamboo:sonar4bamboo.dotnetendtask |
Sonar™ Maven 2 task (for 2.x versions only) | ch.mibex.bamboo.sonar4bamboo:sonar4bamboo.maven2task |
Sonar™Scanner task (for 2.x versions only) | ch.mibex.bamboo.sonar4bamboo:sonar4bamboo.sonarscannertask |
Option keys of the Include Code Quality for Bamboo tasks configuration fields:
Key | Description | Possible Values |
sonarBranch | Sonar branch to use | e.g., master |
sonarProjectName | Project name | e.g., MyProject |
sonarProjectKey | Project key | e.g., myproject |
sonarProjectVersion | Project version | e.g., 1.0 |
failBuildForSonarErrors | Fail build when SonarQube reports analysis errors | true/false |
enableDebugBuildLog | Write Sonar for Bamboo debug log to build log (since version 3.1) | true/false |
failBuildForBrokenQualityGates | Fail build when project has quality gate status FAILED | true/false |
brokenQualityGateOption | How the build uses Sonar Quality Gates. Leaving the key out will use the configured Server settings. |
sonarPullRequestAnalysis | Use pull request analysis if possible (COMMERCIAL SonarQube editions only) | true/false |
useGlobalSonarServerConfig | Use one of the configured SonarQube servers from the global administration. | true/false |
sonarSources | Source locations | e.g., src |
sonarTests | Test source locations | e.g., src/test |
sonarLanguage | Programming Language | e.g., java |
buildJdk | Build JDK, references the configured Bamboo JDK capabilities | e.g., jdk8 |
sonarJavaSource | Java source version | e.g., 1.8 |
chosenSonarConfigId | SonarQube server used for this task. Get the config ID from the admin settings: Bamboo Admin → Sonar for Bamboo Find the ID in the URL of a server configuration: /admin/sonar4bamboo/editSonarServer.action?serverConfigId=1 | e.g., 1 |
sonarMainBranch | Sonar main branch | e.g., develop |
failBuildForTaskErrors | Fail build if the task execution result in error | true/false |
incrementalMode | Enable incremental mode. | true/false |
incrementalModeBambooUser | Bamboo user to connect Bitbucket Server for incremental mode. | e.g., peter |
incrementalNoPullRequest | What to do if no pull request can be found for this branch to apply incremental mode. |
incrementalModeNotPossible | What to do if a branch does not match the regular expression for incremental mode. |
incrementalFileForInclusionList | Write the inclusions file list to a file (Deprecated since 3.0) | true/false |
illegalBranchCharsReplacement | Replacement for illegal branch characters (COMMUNITY SonarQube edition only) | Allowed characters are alphanumeric, '-', '_' and '.'. |
legacyBranching | Use legacy branching (COMMUNITY SonarQube edition only) | true/false |
replaceSpecialBranchChars | Invalid branch character replacement override (COMMUNITY SonarQube edition only) | true/false |
additionalProperties | Additional parameters | e.g., |
autoBranch | Auto branch | true/false |
overrideSonarBuildConfig | Override Sonar properties from build | true/false |
workingSubDirectory | Working subdirectory for SonarQube analysis | e.g., multimod/src |
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