SonarQube™ Server Configuration

SonarQube™ Server Configuration

Global SonarQube Server configuration to be reused in all build plans.

Include Code Quality for Bamboo supports to have multiple SonarQube servers configurations under (Bamboo Administration > Apps > Include Code Quality for Bamboo):

  1. Add your SonarQube Server Configuration under https://YOUR_BAMBOO/admin/sonar4bamboo/viewSonarServerConfigs.action
    1. Use SonarQube™ users tokens for authentication.  Login/Password is slower and therefor deprecated in SonarQube and Include Code Quality for Bamboo.
      1. Save token in a Bamboo variable with a name containing password, to prevent leaking in build log
    2. For SonarCloud:

      1. Host Url: use https://sonarcloud.io
      2. Organization key: add your SonarCloud organization key
  2. Save it
  3. Check that the connection test worked.

Note that Sonar for Bamboo stores credentials encrypted in the Bamboo database.

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SONAR™, SONARQUBE™ and SONARCLOUD™ are independent and trademarked products and services of SonarSource SA: see sonarsource.com, sonarqube.org, sonarcloud.io.