Migration guide to app version 6

This page helps customers upgrading from app versions 4.x/5.x to the 6.x version line. Check https://mibexsoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/MSS/pages/2546565121 and https://mibexsoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/MSS/pages/3069575169 first.


Removal of “Replacement for illegal chars in project keys” option on repository and project settings

Use the option on the Sonar admin settings instead. Existing configuration continue to work, but it’s not possible to configure the value on new repository or project settings.

REST API changes

Due to multi-project support, the following fields…

  • sonarServerConfigId

  • sonarProjectKey

  • sonarProjectFullKey

  • sonarAnalyticsDirectory

have moved from the repository settings endpoint to an own SonarQube project configuration endpoint.

Look at our public REST API documentation for more information: https://mibexsoftware.github.io/sonar-bitbucket-server-rest-api/

SONAR™, SONARQUBE™ and SONARCLOUD™ are independent and trademarked products and services of SonarSource SA: see sonarsource.com, sonarqube.org, sonarcloud.io.