


Are the app permission scopes required?

Yes, Developer Statistics for Confluence only uses the permission scopes required for the app’s main functionality.

In Confluence

  • View

    • user information in Confluence including usernames, email addresses, and profile pictures. Developer Statistics for Confluence does not use all of the data and only uses the username for example to show the Confluence user display name in the config form.

In User

  • View

    • the currently logged in user. This is a general permission required for user-facing apps, and is necessary for the app’s configuration.

Why do I need to “Share data with unlimited locations outside of Atlassian”?

Atlassian does not yet support user-defined permissions on its Forge app platform. This means that fetching data from a user-specific location (such as a Bitbucket Data Center instance hosted at bitbucket.yourwebsite.com) is not possible without allowing all destinations. Permissions must be defined and applied equally to all users of an app, so this permission is required even if you are only accessing GitHub.

Data fetched from GitHub or Bitbucket DC is not stored or used outside of the context of Developer Statistics for Confluence. When rendering in a page, data is fetched – on-demand – from your designated data source by our app – residing in the secure Atlassian cloud – and delivered to your browser.

Why are private repos not displayed in the config dropdown?

You may need to double-check the token in Confluence Settings → Developer Statistics for Confluence if you are only seeing public repos. The token may only have access to public repos.

While editing a published page, I no longer see a GitHub/Bitbucket username or the configuration has been cleared. Why does this happen in Confluence?

When clicking 'edit', you go from the published version to the 'edit' version with potentially incomplete information.

You may have published a version of the page. If you then edit the page and 'Close', the 'edited' version is saved. The next time you edit the page, you will see the last 'edited', but not yet published version.

To fix this state you have to either:

  • Publish the page again in edit mode


  • Revert to the last published version

We have our Bitbucket instance behind a firewall and when we input our URL and token and hit Submit, we receive an error.

The app currently does not support connecting to Bitbucket DC behind a firewall, even with allowlisting.

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