

No information from the build logs are showing up in the Pull Request? Please check following things:

Check The Configuration

  1. Ensure that the Application Link to Bamboo is active:


  2. Ensure you have configured a Bitbucket user for the log analysis. Ensure there is no prompt asking for authentication:

  3. Ensure the log analysis is enabled for the repository.

Check the Build Logs

  1. Check that a build is associated with the pull requests. There should be link to the build for the pull request:

  2. Click the link and navigate the logs:

  3. Check the logs:

    1. Are the warnings present in the logs?

    2. Are these warnings for lines in the pull request diff?

  4. If you see warnings for changed lines, but their are not reported by Code Review Assistant, please tell us. The specific warnings might not yet be supported.


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