Release August 24th, 2022
We are happy to announce that we’ve published a new Cloud version of Code Owners for Bitbucket on Aug 24, 2022 .
New Features
Fallback group for absent Code Owners,
members of this group approvals count as CO to every merge check rule (opt-in)
Use-case: in case of absences of CodeOwners, PRs can not be merged and may block the team progress.
Define a group called FallbackOwners, and if members of that group are added to Pull Request and approve it, it counts towards the limit in Code Owners merge checks.
PR author considered as approving owner in group merge checks (opt-in)
If you want that PR authors, who are Code Owners themself for the changes, count towards group merge checks, you can now configure that.
Add the option: AuthorSelfApproval to the corresponding Group check. e.g.
which reduces limit by one, if PR author is also Code Owner as member of Devs group.
Do you have any questions, suggestions, or problems?
Let us know. We’re glad to help!