We’re happy to announce that we’ve released Repository Templates 4.2.0 on 🎉
Download on the Atlassian Marketplace for Bitbucket Data Center
Reviewer Groups and Pull Request Description templates settings can be synchronized
Repository Templates can now copy and synchronize the Reviewer Groups and Pull Request Description Templates configuration of your template repositories.
Go to the Project Settings and select Reviewer groups or Description template in your configuration, as shown below
Synchronization of Repository permissions is required for Reviewer groups, in order to ensure that users within these groups will have sufficient permissions in associated repositories.
JVM Flag is no longer required for usage with Java 17
In our previous release 4.0, we were requiring an extra JVM flag to make Repository Templates to work. This requirement has been lifted. You therefore don’t need to start Bitbucket with the --add-opens=java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED
option. Other --add-opens
options may still be required by Bitbucket itself.
Project Settings page has a new layout
With the increasing number of synchronizable settings, we have re-thought the layout for the project settings page. Available settings for synchronization should now follow the same structure as in Repository settings.
Do you have any questions, suggestions, or problems?
Let us know. We’re glad to help!