Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Follow instructions in the GitHub Marketplace:

(lightbulb) Prevent Merges with unfinished Tasks


Only for public repositories or with subscription to GitHub Teams or higher

  1. Add a branch protection rule under Repository Settings → Branches → Branch protection rules → Add Rule

  2. Enable “Require conversation resolution before merging”

    Image Removed


Pull request: feature/X → master


Based on configuration in PRCHECKLIST file:

Code Block
# Checklist Buddy by Mibex Software

# To create a new task, use '+task+' followed by the task description. 
# Markdown is supported.
# To create a reminder (a non-blocking comment), use '+comment+' followed by the comment text
+task+ No local configuration (passwords, comments, debugging) has been committed.

# To filter when a task is applied, prepend the task/comment/title with one or more of the following filters:
# '--source' - the source branch pattners
# '--target' - the target/destination branch patterns
# '--files'  - diff file pattern, similar to .gitignore
# Example: only create task when PR is from a feature to a release branch, and any YAML files are touched:
--source feature/* --target release/* --files **/*.yml +task+ Check for tab characters

# When more than one task has the same filter settings, these are grouped as a checklist.
# Note: entries with the same filter settings will be grouped together, regardless of position in file

# To name a checklist, create a line entry with the desired filter settings and +title+ Your Checklist Title

--target master +title+ **Release checklist** :checkered_flag:
--target master +task+ Bump version number
--target master +task+ [Internal release testing]( All [test cases]( have been :white_check_mark: off on the release page or have been confirmed by the team for ignoring
--target master +task+ Each test case is annotated with the date of testing and the tester's name
--target master +task+ [Jira version]( description is updated
--target master +task+ Fix version on all issues, remove version from unfinished issue
--target master +task+ [Public documentation]( and [Public release notes]( are up to date
--target master +task+ Social media announcement is scheduled
--target master +comment+ All done? merge PR with --ff-only .

--files /src/main/app/** +title+ Frontend testing checklist :art:
--files /src/main/app/** +task+ UI changes visually inspected on Chrome
--files /src/main/app/** +task+ UI changes visually inspected on Safari @monica
--files /src/main/app/** +task+ UI changes visually inspected on Firefox
--files /src/main/app/** +task+ UI changes visually inspected on IE/Edge (reply with version)

--files /src/main/app/global-pr-list/** +task+ ![Open PRs Page]( :mag: Confirm Open PR list visual


Pull Request Checklist Buddy for GitHub is not yet on feature parity compared to it’s Bitbucket counterpart.

Check the roadmap for more information.

Child pages (Children Display)
Image Added