(The content of this table only apply to if you enabled full Ship/Show/Ask support. Please refer to the Getting started - DC page to enable it.)
Ask pull requests
When an [Ask>=n] pull request is initiated, it will not be merged automatically. Moreover, a merge check requiring n approvals is added to the pull request. This means that in order for the pull request to be successfully merged, it must receive n approvals from designated reviewers or team members.
This type of pull request is useful when changes to the codebase have the potential to have a significant impact or when there is a high level of uncertainty surrounding a particular change. By requiring multiple approvals, the risk of introducing bugs or breaking changes is reduced and the overall quality of the codebase is maintained.
To initiate an [Ask>=n] pull request, the user must select Manual merge and ask to require a certain number of approvals via the dedicated dropdown.
Show pull requests
You can configure Pull Requests to be automatically, optionally requiring a certain number of approvals.
[Show>=n] pull requests will be automatically merged as soon as they receive n approvals. In addition, all other merge checks (such as passing tests, code review, etc.) must also be fulfilled for the pull request to be merged. This feature is useful for ensuring that a certain level of quality and review is met before code is merged into the main branch.
[Show] pull requests, on the other hand, will not require any approvals before they can be automatically merged. This feature is useful for small changes that do not require a thorough review. However, all other merge checks must still be fulfilled before the pull request can be merged.
To initiate a [Show] pull request, the user must select Auto-Merge and don’t require any approvals. To initiate a [Show>=n] pull request, the user must select Auto-Merge and must require a certain number of approvals.
Ship pull requests
[Ship] pull requests are similar to [Show] pull requests, with the difference that they interact with the Owner rules functionalities of Code Owners.
Like [Show] pull requests, [Ship] pull requests will be merged as soon as all other merge checks pass, but they skip Code Owners assignments from Code Owners.
To initialte a [Ship] pull request, the user must select Auto-Merge, they should not require any approvals and they must select Merge without reviewers.
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